четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

Physical Activity Can Boost Kids’ Brains

1) What can we do that think better, in scientists opinion?
2) What makes new brain cells grow?
3) Which children are more likely to become easily distracted?
4) How many time a day, kids do better in math, reading and spelling?
5) What else help us that think better?
6) At that not getting enough sleep can affect?
7) What makes new brain cells grow?

четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Труд - великое лекарство от всех болезней и печалей человечества.)
We declare war with the wages system, which demoralizes alike the hirer and the hired, cheats both, and enslaves the workingman. (Мы объявляем войну той системе оплаты труда, которая одинаково деморализует и того, кто нанимает на работу, и того, кого нанимают, обманывает и тех, и других и превращает рабочих в рабов.)
Industry is the soul of business and the keystone of prosperity. (Трудолюбие – душа бизнеса и залог процветания.)
No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. (Ни один бизнес, существующий за счет выплаты рабочим зарплаты ниже прожиточного уровня, не имеет права на существование в нашей стране.)
Work is the meat of life. Pleasure the dessert. (Работа - пища нашей жизни. Удовольствия - ее десерт.)

среда, 14 сентября 2011 г.


It is an interesting profession. This profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has – with his health.
The main task of surgeon is operate on the people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered.
The surgeon has to listens very attentively to what his patients tell him. He has to kind and attentive to his patients.
Every surgeon wants to see all his patients able.

пятница, 29 апреля 2011 г.

1. I hate doing the ironing because it takes a lot of time, as my family is big.
2. I don`t mind taking dog for a walk and tidying my room.
3. I don`t like peeling potatoes and carrot. It gets on my nerves.

среда, 6 апреля 2011 г.


One day a little girl came back home. She opened the door. There was silent at home. She called her mother but there was no answer. She called again but nobody still answered her. She came into the first room. There was a big mess and most of the things there were displaced. She came into the second room. Then she walked up on the second floor and came into the third room. She saw a terrible picture: her mother was laying on the floor and there was blood around her. The girl ran up to her and started to cry. Suddenly, her mother stood up and started to laugh. As it turned out, the red pool on the floor was not blood but paint. The girl lost her consciousness. Then ambulance arrived.
Nobody knows about that joke, that's why nobody understands why that girl has become a stammerer.

среда, 16 марта 2011 г.

Rewrite your favourite part of the book using yourself as a character and a favourite place as a setting.

From story "The Sheep-Pig" I want to describe my favourite moment, when Babe rescued the sheep:
"One day Fly and mr. Hogget drove out of the yard to the market in the next village. Babe saw the sheep. Then he ran up to the north field. He looked for the sheep.
Suddenly he heard a noise. The sheep ran around field. Babe stopped and calmed their. He said to the sheep what he will defend their.
At once two men tried the catch Babe but he can run away between their legs.
Mrs Hogget heard a noise and called the police. They caught the men.
In the evening Mrs Hogget told to her husband about an accident and confessed, what she don`t going to kill Babe, because he saved sheep`s life."
This moment I remembered, because Baby didn`t afraid and helped the sheep.
In my opinion Babe is clever and very nice pig.

четверг, 3 марта 2011 г.

The questions for the second part of the book:

1. Why did the sheep run around the field?
2. What did Mrs Hogget do when she heard the noise in the street?
3. Mrs Hogget was not going to kill Babe, was she?
4. Did Babe become a sheep-pig?
5. How do the sheep treat Babe?
6. What did Farmer Hogget think about Baby?
7. What did Farmer Hogget want do with Ma?
8. Where did Farmer Hogget drive one sunny day with Fly and babe?
9. How many miles did they drive to another village?
10. What should sheepdogs do on the trial?
Recently, I have started reading an interesting book. The author is Dick King-Smith and it is called "The Sheep-Pig". Here is a short overview of the book:
"Mr. Hogget is a sheep farmer. He live in a village with his wife. They have a sheep-dog Fly and her children.
One day Farmer Hogget won the small and clever pig. Mrs Hogget wanted to kill pig and made the Christmas dinner. Fly loved pig and stayed for him second mother.
Fly went with Farmer Hogget at work. They worked with the sheep. The pig wanted learn to be a sheep-pig and Fly helped him.
Once, Mr Hogget brought the old sheep, she was ill."

среда, 19 января 2011 г.

Lifestyle of person.

The lifestyle of this person is very active and interesting but stressful. He is slim and sporty, with strong muscles. His goal is to run very fast and much. He visits many different countries with his team and earns very much money. Unfortunately, his specialization finishes early - in the age of 35. After 35 he can become a coach.
He is an open-air-player and has got many fans. I like watching this person doing his work.